Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Open email to PM of Singapore

To :

Dear Sir

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all the other cabinet ministers a prosperous and happy Chinese New Year.I would also like to express my gratitude to be blessed with such intelligent and capable leaders.As such,I fully support the decision to peg our ministers payscale to that of the top earners,like bankers and CEOs.After all,there's no such thing as 'civil service' or patriotism.We surely do not want to pay our leaders peanuts and end up with political riff-raffs.Leaders of neighbouring countries almost always seem to be involved in monkey business such as recording sexual escapades,Mongolian models,homosexuals or that they are better off selling kain batik.Even powerful world leaders like ex-President of USA was reported to have inserted cigars into human orifices.I believe that I am among the many Singaporeans that share these sentiments.We admire and adore our most learned,capable and free-from-juicy-scandal leaders.Recently,there has been calls to search for the 4th generation leaders.It is commendable that you have the foresight to see the utmost importance in this.True leaders must be searched and discovered,as signs of true leadership are often not conspicuous enough for all to see.I will end this email with the hope that with the rise of new leaders,there will be more democratic freedom and glorious years for Singapore

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