Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Given A Choice,I'd Rather My Son Skip National Service

Many countries far more advanced than Singapore already abolished their Conscription Army or National Service.Examples are Belgium,Portugal,Italy and France.Only countries with real prospect of war such as Isreal,South Korea and Taiwan sees National Service as a neccesity for survival.I've completed my NS proper and has been-there-and-done- it- all.It is crystal clear to me that the perils of NS clearly outweighs its benefits although proponents of NS might argue that not everyone leaves the army in a body bag or a straight jacket.

  • Instill structure and discipline into young men.Also teaches them to obey authority or else face the music(ie,carrying heavy sand bags at the Detention Barracks)
  • Improves their physical fitness significantly and also pushes their mental strength to the limits(Guardsmen or Commandos)
  • For the tertiary-educated,leadership qualities will be inculcated in them
  • Making new friends from all walks of life(this is ,however,a double edged sword)

  • Inclusion of vile obscenities (longkang language) into their vocabulary and uses them regularly under the slightest provocation.This hinders their development to become gracious, young gentlemen
  • Away from family guidance,they will be under constant peer pressure to smoke,drink alcohol and frequent nightspots.I however managed to steer clear from all these due to my high moral principles and Jedi training
  • Being in a camp for prolonged periods heightens sexual libido, or at the very least causes it to be expressed more openly. There is moral degradation, for what it's worth, and people start reading male magazines, visiting prostitutes (or going for massages with "special services" and the like)
  • The Army also teaches lots of bad things, like how to slack, lie, cheat and skive, among others.The motto is you can do anything as long as you dont get caught!
  • Some people go crazy (I've heard of a few, and there are doubtless more) and the rest have a few screws loosened. Many people get physically injured as the Army is notorious for ignoring safety in their training doctrines.The bodies of the young men are also often overexerted, leading to injuries later in life.

I know the probability of NS being abolished in Singapore in the near future is mathematically infinite.Like a snowball chance in hell.Idulging in wishful thinking never killed anyone,though.

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